Introduction: The following sites will be connected with some questions, which are necessary to be answered.

- What is a World Heritage Site?
- How many states are included in UNESCO?
- What states are not included?
- What each World Heritage site has?
- Whom was the World Heritage list maintained?
- Which organisation was a forerunner of UNESCO?
- Who was a founding director of ICIC?
- When and where was UNESCO established?
- Where was the 1st General Conference held?
- What purpose was UNESCO created with?
- How many properties are included in a World Heritage list?
- How many of them are in danger?
- What heritage sites there in Russia?
- Which wall is located on the frontier of the Roman Empire?
- Which country contains the greatest number of World Heritage sites?
- What 7 Wonders are there in the world?
- What was the main aim for creating the Great Wall of China?
- Whom was The Christ the Redeemer statue created by?
- For what aim was the Colosseum hold?
- Why is Taj Mahal considered as the symbol of love across the world?
- What island is the most remote inhabited on the planet?
- Which site comprises 320 monuments, crammed into a tiny fortified peninsula?
- Which desert city is carved from rose-red limestone?
- When was the ancient Grecian citadel built?
- Why is Sigiriya in Sri Lanka also known as Lion Mountain?
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